Year 6 SATs Information
SATs Boot Camp
Children have their own logins. On here they can access Revision Topics for both maths and English, have a go at bitesize quizzes, and take practice tests online including SPAG, reading, arithmetic and maths reasoning papers. Weekly homework is set from here.

SATs Week Timetable

SATs Preparation
On the video below Mrs Wynn has given an overview of SATs week and the preparations taking place in school.
Parent Support & Information
Homework Club

Monday after school until 4.00pm
Year 10 Ambassadors

Useful website links
We will cover everything the children need to prepare for the SATs, but if here just a few great websites for revision if they want to try them out.
English Revision
Maths Revision (good for revising formal methods of calculation, including fractions) (create your own worksheets for any topic)