EYFS Information

Rain or shine

 We will enjoy our outdoor learning area.

We ask you to provide a wet weather suit for your child.

Also a pair of wellies.


We use ClassDojo at school as a means of commination between school and parents. You can message staff directly and look at a news feed where you will be able to look all of the lovely activities that the children are doing in school. We also use ClassDojo to keep you up to date with events and meetings.


We ask parents for a £1 contribution each week for fund money to cover the cost of snacks, drinks and day to day items for craft and cookery activities in Nursery and Reception.

Magic Moments

We are really keen to know about any anything exciting or any achievements that occur for your child outside of school. They can share these with us and the class. We will provide magic moment cards for you to fill in and send into school, there will be copies on the information board for you to help yourself to.

First Aid

Within each setting, there are qualified first aiders who will deal with minor bumps and bruises.

We will inform you if your child has a bump.

If you change your contact details, please make sure you tell us so we can amend your contact form.


We are willing to administer medicine prescribed by a doctor. The medication must also be in either the original bottle or box with dosage instructions on it.

We will then require you to complete a short permission form in the office. Other than inhalers and epi-pens, no medicines are kept in classrooms, children come to the office when they are due to take their medication.

Nursery Uniform

  • Navy jogging bottoms/leggings
  • White polo T Shirt
  • Navy Jumper/cardigan
Nursery uniform girl
Nursery uniform Boy

Reception Uniform

  • Navy jumpers, cardigans or sweatshirts
  • Blue shirt or blouse.
  • School tie.
  • Grey trousers or shorts
  • Navy skirts, pinafore or trousers
  • Checked summer dresses when weather permits (blue/white)
  • White or grey socks
  • Blue tights
  • Black shoes (no trainers)

PE Kit

  • Royal blue polo shirt and shorts
  • Black pumps
School uniform Primary

Being Healthy

During your child’s sessions children will be given access to snack, milk or water.

They also take advantage of the ‘National fruit in schools’ scheme and can help themselves to a range of fruits delivered daily.

Children will be given a cup of milk or a cup of water during each session.


Children need to have access to water constantly during the day so we ask that you provide your child with a personal water bottle for them to use.

We hope you have found this information useful. If you require any further information, please contact the school office.