Nursery Information

What is the Foundation Stage?

The Foundation Stage begins in Nursery and continues through to Reception. We help the children to learn through playing, exploring and being active. This means children will take part in a range of fun, practical activities; some of which are adult led, some guided by adults and some will be child-initiated. 

We follow the EYFS Framework and Reforms and through our creative curriculum, based on knowledge and skills, your child will receive the best possible early year’s education. 

7 Areas of Learning

Your child will be learning skills, acquiring new knowledge and demonstrating their understanding through 7 areas of learning:

Prime Areas

  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
  • Communication and Language Development
  • Physical Development

Specific Areas

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Nursery Times:


Morning Nursery: 8.45am – 11.45am

Afternoon Nursery: 12.15pm – 3.15pm

Day Nursery: 8.45am -11.45am and 12.15pm – 3.15pm

Lunch Club

Lunch Club will be provided at a cost of £2.00 a day, per child, for children who are accessing 30hrs nursery provision. Unfortunately, this offer cannot be extended to children who are visiting us for morning or afternoon sessions.   

Dropping off and collecting your child

When dropping off children at nursery please wait on the playground outside of nursery. When the doors open please accompany your child into the nursery and help them find their peg. As the children won’t have had a prolonged transition into nursery we may ask you to stay with your child to settle them, particularly if they are upset.

A teacher will be standing by the door with a Nursery diary at drop off and collection times. Please give us any messages at this time. If your child is being collected by someone other than you, we will then write it down. If you are stuck in traffic or need to make a last minute change to your collection arrangements, please call the school office on 01543 452197. If you haven’t told us of any changes, we will not let your child go home until we have spoken to you. 

Nursery Expectations

We are kind to our friends

We use our walking feet and our quiet voices inside

We choose it, use it and put it away

All of our expectations link into our school values

A Day in Our Nursery

  • We start each session with ‘free choice’ from the range of activities in nursery. This settles the children into the nursery and parents are able to leave when the children feel comfortable to be left.
  • We then split into 3 groups Red, Green and Purple.   
  • We then say good morning and take the register and complete our calendar maths session.
  • We discuss our activities for the day and the children choose. A group of children are asked to do a maths and a literacy activity during this time. All children will complete both activities during the week.
  • At choosing time the children are able to access activities both inside and outside. During this time the children can also have a snack.
  • Once choosing time is finished, we move into groups for a phonics session where the children learn to tune into sounds, rhyming, alliteration, etc.
  • We finish the session with a story and a rhyme or song.
  • If your child is staying with us for the day they have additional story, phonics and play sessions.
  • Children make their own independent learning/play choices. We will provide ongoing experiences and activities, some which will be related to our topic, for them to access throughout this time.
  • There is a lot of information here, which may or may not be new to you. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


We ask that the children wear a nursery uniform.

  • Navy jogging bottoms/leggings
  • white t-shirt
  • navy jumper/cardigan

All children need sensible shoes for playing outside and climbing. Children will need a coat every day and we also ask you to provide the children with a waterproof all in one suit and a pair of wellingtons. Can I also ask that you provide the children with these items in a draw string pump bag. Please do not send your child with a large back pack as we cannot get them onto the pegs and they can then become a trip hazard in the cloakroom.  


Lunch Bags

If your child is staying for Lunch Club we ask that you clearly label the outside of their lunch bag.

Book Bags

These are an important part of school life as they help to bring home books, pictures and letters. Please provide your child with a named school book bag. These are available to buy from nursery on your child’s first day. We would like them to have their book bag in school every day. Please check it regularly for letters. 

Snack Time

We have fruit daily, and will encourage all children to try different fruits. We also have a selection of crackers, biscuits, rice cakes and toast at a cost of £1.00 a week.  Please let us know about any food allergies.  Children also have milk or water. We monitor who has had their drink and snack every day. 

Magic Moments

We are really keen to know about anything exciting or any achievements that occur for your child outside of school. They can share these with us and the class. We will provide a section on the parent prompt sheet for you to add your child’s Magic Moments.


Please do not bring toys into the nursery as they can easily get lost or broken. The children may, on occasion, be asked to bring in a toy as part of a topic. Again, to avoid their toys getting lost or broken, they will be shared with the class but not played with during choosing time.


We will send home termly topic information and how to  access further information links.


You have a ClassDojo invite in your pack, please sign up! We use ClassDojo at school as a means of commination between school and parents. You can message me directly and I have a class news feed where you will be able to see all of the lovely activities that the children are doing at nursery. I also use ClassDojo to keep you up to date with events and meetings. Please download the app and sign up!

Staff Carpark

Please do not use the staff carpark when dropping off or collecting from school. When walking around to Nursery please use the foot path to ensure the children are not walking in between or behind parked cars. Thank you.



Please apply to Mr Mills in writing if you would like to request a holiday.


If your child is unwell and cannot attend nursery, please inform the office on tel: 01543 452197.  

We hope that this page has answered some of your questions but if you would like any further information –  we will be very happy to help. Please tel: 01543 452197 or email: