Welcome to Early Years

Our Virtual Tour

Normally we would invite all prospective parents to an Early Years Open Morning but unfortunately, due to the current COVID-19 restrictions , we are sadly unable to invite parents into school. However, we hope that our virtual tour above will help to give a flavour of our Nursery and Reception environments.

Hayley McLeish

Mrs McLeish – EYFS Lead

Early Years 2020-2021

Mr Mills - Headteacher

I would like to welcome you to St John’s CE Primary School. It is a privilege to be Head teacher of such a wonderful school with caring, committed staff and happy, hardworking children. We are very proud of our family ethos here and we work hard to ensure our Christian values shine through in everything we do. We understand the importance of these formative years in Education and our dedicated Early Years team are determined that your children get off to the very best start.

We look forward to forging a positive and successful partnership throughout your child’s time at school.

St John’s CE is a Primary School for children aged between 3 and 11 years.

  • our Nursery admits children from the age of 3. We have a maximum of 36 places in each morning and afternoon session.
  • Children transfer to Reception in the September after their 4th birthday.

Session Times


Morning: 8.45am – 11.45am

Afternoon: 12.15pm – 3.15pm

Lunch Club will be provided at a cost of £2 per day, per child, for children who are accessing 30 hours of nursery provision. Unfortunately, this cannot be extended to children who are visiting us for morning or afternoon sessions. 

Session Times


8.45am – 3.05pm

(Lunch time: 11.45am – 12.45pm)

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Some fun ideas to try with your child...

Our Vision and Values

Our Vison

A family of diverse, unique and equal people,

made in the image of God,

together aspiring to fulfil our God given potential by nourishing

The Fruits of the Spirit in our life long journey.

Our Values
