Curriculum Overviews

Curriculum Work

Our history, geography, DT and art throughout the year will be based upon the Cornerstones Curriculum which comprises of the following elements.

Engage – In this part of the curriculum children will engage in purposeful and contextualised learning experiences; in and outside the classroom. This may include visits out of school and visitors into school. 

Develop – In the following weeks children develop knowledge, understanding and subject skills required to progress their learning through focussed learning tasks and experiences. Here we will record our work in a variety of ways through art work, written work, dance, music or construction.

Innovate – Children are given the opportunity to innovate by applying their knowledge and skills and understanding through a challenging provocation using their own and negotiated ideas. 

Express –  Children express and evaluate their knowledge, understanding and skills, as outcomes of the learning in different memorable forms including using a variety of media and technology. Examples of activities we may do here are fund raising events, write stories, create photo albums or create a dance or presentation for an audience.

Click on the links below to see our year group topic overviews.