Remote Learning

Remote Learning with Google Classroom

Here, is a step by step guide on how to access Google Classroom.

Google Classroom can be accessed through a free App either on the Apple Store or Google Play on both Apple and Android devices as well as through the internet on laptops or desktops.

If accessing on the internet on a laptop or desktop, type in into the address bar. Children will see a log in screen and will need to enter their username (……… on the first screen and press ‘next’ their password needs to be entered on the second screen.

As part of our commitment to supporting pupils in the event of school or bubble closures, we have decided to implement Google Classroom as a vehicle to communicate with pupils and set learning opportunities.

All children from Nursery to Year 6 have been allocated a class. Each class has a classroom page which will include a stream and work for pupils to complete at home.

Here, is a step by step guide on how to access Google Classroom.

Once logged in click on the classroom for your child. It will look similar to this:

Once you enter ‘stream’ which is the front page. This is where the teachers can direct children to work, learning links and websites. It is also where the teacher and pupils can communicate with each other and ask and answer questions.

On the ‘classwork’ tab, there may also be assignments, quizzes or questions that are set. Clear instructions will be written to explain how to complete each task. Children don’t need to save anything anywhere as Google automatically saves their work as they go in a folder that their teacher can see.

If you need support or have any questions or problems about how to login, please contact the class teacher through Class Dojo or contact the school office. Hopefully the videos below will help too.

How to videos....

Double click to enlarge or view on our YouTube page:
