Communication and Language

Communication and Language

EYFS – Communication and Language

At St Johns CofE School, the main focus of the Early Years Foundation Stage is improving the communication and language of our young learners. We believe that communication and language skills are the foundation for children’s learning and are key to their learning. In our EYFS provision, we support our children using both Early Talk Boost and WellComm intervention programmes as Early Years is a crucial time in children’s speech, language and communication development.

What is Early Talk Boost?

Early Talk Boost is a targeted intervention aimed at 3-4-year-old children with delayed language development. Research shows that following Early Talk Boost, children make statistically significant progress in their early language. On average, they make 6 months’ progress after a nine- week intervention helping them to catch up with other children their age. This is twice the amount of progress of children not receiving the intervention.

How is the intervention delivered?

The group is delivered 3 times per week during circle/story time by an early year’s practitioner to a group of up to 8 children over a 9- week period. The Early Talk Boost Tracker helps to identify appropriate children for the intervention and to measure their progress.

What is WellComm?

WellComm is a complete speech and language toolkit for to be used with children from 6 months to 6 years.

How does it work?

Every child is assessed for around 10 – 15 minutes on their understanding of what is being said to them (receptive language) and also how they communicate verbally (expressive language). This assessment is partly completed through the everyday observations that the teacher carries out in class to assess a child’s progress throughout the whole of the Early Years curriculum. It also involves a few targeted questions such as asking a child to point out various pictures or follow some easy instructions.