Information for Parents

Two Way Street

Welcome to our information booklet for parents. We aim to make the relationship between the school and our parents and carers more meaningful and to
promote a ‘two way street’! We all have the same aim and that is to try and develop the children in our care into responsible, articulate and educated adults and the only way we can do this is together! The aim of this publication is to: –
– Inform parents and carers of new initiatives both in school and nationally
– Raise awareness as to what goes on in school
– Give helpful tips and advice as to how you can help your child at home in order to
promote learning, healthier lifestyles and emotionally resilient children
– Give parents and carers the opportunity to contribute appropriate materials to the
publication if they wish to do so
– Provide the opportunity for parents and carers to ask questions related to school life
(that others may also find interesting) and have them answered (anonymously)
– Encourage you to give feedback to us regarding the aspects of school that work well
and those that could be improved

Click on previous editions below: