Child Led - Leadership Team
Play Leaders
What is a Play Leader?
Here at St John’s we encourage children to develop as individuals. One of the ways we try to encourage this is a ‘Play Leading Scheme’. The scheme promotes children’s well-being, abilities, social skills and team work. It also encourages the older children to organise games for the younger children in Key Stage two. It promotes the children’s organisation, communication and responsibility skills and most importantly they all have fun!
What is a Child Led Leadership Team?
We have a number of Child Led Leadership Teams at school. They are a groups of pupils who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and work together to improve their school, the community and the wider world.
We follow a democratic process to elect each of the Child Leaders. If a child wishes to become a member of any group, they must give a short speech to their class. A democratic vote then takes place and two children are elected from each class (Year 3 to Year 6). Our Child Leaders must model our school values at all times.
As part of a Child Led Leadership Team, children will support the teachers and all other members of staff to find ways of improving the school experience for all pupils. The Junior Leadership Team are the representative of all pupils to enable them to have a say in improving their school, education and developing new ideas for the future.
Each Leadership Team meet staff regularly and discuss issues that are important to the children. They have an agenda, which they create, and a member of each Leadership Team takes the minutes while another chairs the meeting.

Why do we have Child Led Leadership Teams?
- To improve the school according to the children’s point of view.
- To promote both school values and British Values
- To make sure the children have a platform to voice their opinions.
- To discuss and raise issues that matter to the children.