Our Children
Child Led - Leadership Teams
School Council & British Values Team
St John’s School is very proud of its school council which is supported by representatives from each of the junior classes and is led by Mr Judd.
The School Council meets every Tuesday afternoon for half an hour to discuss forthcoming events taking place within school each half term.
The Council have been involved in various events raising money for multiple charities including Genes for Jeans, making cakes for the MacMillan Coffee Morning, NSPCC, Great Ormond Street Hospital, Teenage Cancer Trust and many more. They also help on Parents Evening by taking parents to the different classrooms.

Worship Team & School Values Team

Our Worship Team 2019 -2020
Our Worship Team is an integral part of the life of the school and help to support our school values based on the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’. The children have an opportunity to feed into and deliver worship and give feedback to staff. They also help with charity work and are courageous advocates for our school.

Our last Family Service took place on Thursday 10th October and was very well attended by over 70 parents and children. Our theme was based on the question ‘What difference can I make?’
The worship team did an excellent job posing questions and performing poems and prayers. There was a wonderful family atmosphere as children and adults alike made bird feeders, planted pledges, make bookmarks and planted broad beans. We also tucked into tea, cake and biscuits. Donations were kindly given and monies have been used to buy food and toiletries for the Walsall North Foodbank. We are grateful for your continued support.
Every blessing,
The Worship Team
A*Star Sheriffs
What is A*STARS
The A*STARS programme is a series of walking, cycling, scooting and road safety initiatives, along with training, expertise and support that is given to schools to help them to develop and promote safer, healthier lifestyle choices for all.
The programme promotes health and wellbeing by combining and providing road safety, health and sustainable travel education, training and awareness. It targets all educational establishments and school communities; supporting children’s development at every stage from birth to adulthood.

For more information please visit: https://www.astarswalsall.co.uk/

Play Leaders
…coming soon
Eco Warriers
…coming soon